
Välkommen till Västgöta Nation där vi bjuder på sopplunch varje torsdag! Till den utsökta soppan följer alltid bröd, dessert och kaffe/te!
Du hittar alltid veckans meny på vår Facebooksida: https://www.facebook.com/vgnationlund. Menyn släpps i regel på måndagar varje vecka.
Tid: 12:00
Pris: 45 kr
Welcome to our cozy lunch at Västgöta Nation with different, amazingly tasting soups every Thursday! Bread, dessert and coffee/tea is of course included in the price.
Pris: 45 kr
Welcome to our cozy lunch at Västgöta Nation with different, amazingly tasting soups every Thursday! Bread, dessert and coffee/tea is of course included in the price.
You can always find this week’s menu on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/vgnationlund. The menu is normally released on Mondays each week.
Time: 12.00
Price: 45 kr
Hope to see you there
Price: 45 kr
Hope to see you there